

Having readily available cash for larger purchases may not be a possibility for everyone. That’s why our company has partnered with a financing company, United Consumer Financial Services (UCFS), to offer low monthly payments Click here for the 'NO MONEY DOWN' Application.

Click here to read all about UCFS. Instead of saving for years to accumulate the dollar amount you need, complete a credit application, once approved, sign the contract, and low monthly payments are possible. Making your purchase with a payment plan means your day-to-day living expenses are not impacted.

About Financing Your Purchase:

  • Online credit application is completed in just minutes.
  • Finance all or just a portion of your purchase
  • No upfront consumer fees/origination costs
  • Monthly auto-repayment via ACH or credit /debit
  • Fixed-term financing with a set number of months and set APR
  • No fee for early payoff.